Ultra Aggressive Poker Style

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Commonly Used In Acronym Format Throughout The Poker World, But What Do LAG and TAG Play Involve?

  1. Ultra Aggressive Poker Style Smoking
  2. Ultra Aggressive Poker Style Tobacco
  3. Ultra Aggressive Poker Style Damper

You will often see LAG and TAG used to describe poker strategy styles on forums and in articles throughout the poker world. These actually describe two of the most profitable playing styles: LAG = ‘Loose Aggressive’ and TAG = ‘Tight Aggressive’.

Ultra Aggressive Poker Style Smoking

Poker Styles: Patient Snake In the Grass That aggressive poker player is controlling the table. He keeps raising pre-flop, which allows him to isolate. Then he either takes down the pot with a made hand or bluffs his opponent off the hand. Poker aggression opens more doorways to success in poker than it does to take a passive approach the game, which is why many successful players are aggressive. It is vital that you are able to exercise a strategic aggressive style of play, as being aggressive does not mean simply betting and raising at.

Ultra Aggressive Poker Style Tobacco

Ultra Aggressive Poker Style
  • Win Huge Prizes. Enjoy the rush of winning Ultra Aggressive Poker Style millions in Gold Coins, playing America’s favorite card game, in our poker ring games, tournaments and sit’n’gos, anywhere and at any time!
  • A short guide to adopting a loose-aggressive (LAG) style in no-limit hold’em cash games or tournaments, with added tips for how to play against LAG players.

This article describes a system which enables you to put opponents into different categories of poker playing style based on their observed behavior. Once you do this it is easy to adjust your own play according to their style – to maximize your profits.

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The starting point for assessing playing styles is to identify the two basic categories on which we rate players. The first scale describes the amount of hands played and goes from extremely loose (plays almost every hand) to extremely tight (premium hands only). The second concerns whether those hands are played with bets and raises, or with checks and calls. This goes from extremely passive (calls) to extremely aggressive (bets and raises). These can be made into a graph such as the following:

Next we can look at how a player with each of the styles identified in the graph might approach the game:

  • Tight-Passive: This player only plays solid starting hands from good position, however they will rarely bet and raise without the stone-cold nuts – allowing observant opponents to get away cheaply. Tight-passive players are unlikely to be winners, though their losses will be small.
  • Tight-Aggressive: This is the TAG Player from the introduction. Plays only solid starting hands and plays them positively and aggressively. An experienced Tight-Aggressive player is difficult to beat. This is one of the most profitable styles of poker.
  • Loose-Passive: Playing too many hands and playing them by calling rather than raising is asking to have your money taken in poker. This style is often employed by players who are new to the game, and is an expensive way to find out that this style is extremely bad poker.
  • Loose-Aggressive: This player plays a lot of starting hands and plays them very aggressively – especially while the bets are small. While not all hands played are profitable, this type of player will often get paid-off on big hands – since they raise so often those aces are nicely disguised.

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Finally we can look at how to adjust your own style to beat the playing styles of individual opponents.

  • When playing a pot against a Tight-Passive opponent: It is difficult to win a big pot against this type of player. Instead you can easily pick up small pots with bets when they show weakness. When a tight-passive opponent bets and raises strongly you need to exit the hand – they are unlikely to do this without the nuts.
  • When playing a pot against a Tight-Aggressive opponent: Here you need a strong hand to continue, calling bets is not advisable – as you are likely to be faced with an even bigger bet on the next betting round. These are the toughest opponents to play against – however their aggressive tendencies can be used to help you build a big pot when you have a monster hand.
  • When playing a pot against a Loose-Passive opponent: Rarely bluff this player, they are likely to call with some very weak holdings. You make the majority of your profit against this player by value betting – that is to say when you have a hand you must extract the most profit possible against a loose-passive opponent.
  • When playing a pot against a Loose-Aggressive Opponent: Never wait for the nuts against a LAG opponent – your chips will be slowly eaten away while you wait. Instead play solid hands from position and value bet with lesser holdings than you would against other players. Let the loose aggressive player drive the betting to build a big pot when you hit an unlikely nut hand.

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Ultra Aggressive Poker Style Damper


Further Reading For Players Looking To Exploit The Weakest Games:

  • 10 Best Beginners Poker Tournaments, Lists a diverse selection of poker tournaments which should be profitable for the thinking beginner.

  • Knockout Bounty Tournaments, These place a 'bounty' on the head of every player who enters, which is awarded to whoever knocks them out. Not only are they entertaining - they attract many more recreational players than regular tournaments... again meaning bigger potential profit for thinking players!

  • PLO and PLO8 Tournaments, Well, holdem is far from the only game, you would be surprised how many Omaha tournaments are now running - find out more in our Omaha tournaments guide.